Charlie over at at Kindred offered to send me a free t-shirt. Nice of him. But it brought up a new issue for me...
Even though I really love this shirt, I think I'm going to buy it myself. I'm a little sketched about companies sending me free stuff to write about their products (not that there's anything wrong with asking if you can send me presents). I just want to feel completely free to say whatever I want. Usually, I prefer to keep it positive and only blog about shirts and companies I like, but I also want to just be a guy who likes a t-shirt and shares it with his friends. You know?
So thanks Charlie. You've got some cool art, and the little descriptions are killer. Rickshaws are cool.
Hey mate,
http://t-shirt-fiend.blogspot.com/ is an awesome site.
I run a promotional merchandise company
and am launching a t-shirt line on the side
as a fun offshoot to what I do.
I appreciate your honest reviews and will
have my first design printed and ready to
go, I was thinking I could send you one so
that you could do a review on it and wear
it around town if it's your style.
I like the design of that tee shirt, very artistic :)
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